Friday 25 November 2011

So this morning I am slightly less tired than yesterday - but my sleep was very disturb due to a fair bit of discomfort from my cystitisy thing. This makes decisions about what to where very difficult. I can't go bare legged its too cold so that means I either have to wear tights or trousers both of which will make the problem worse. If I could stay home I could wear a long skirt - but that isn't practical for work. Today it will have to be trousers - but I am not looking forward to putting them on and walking around in them. Another stress issue is I had a bill from HMRC for a 100.00 fine because my 09/10 accounts haven't been filed. Thanks to lousy communication with the accountant I didn't understand why he was still asking for information when as far as I was concerned 09/10 accounts were done and dusted and I had a new accountant. Anyway I have sent him a LONG email this morning so hopefully it will be sorted out and then I can forget all about it - and him. I must say the relationship with him has made me think about communication a lot - and the importance of rapport. We had no rapport - I felt he didn't listen to me and it made me distrust him. Maybe I have a metaphor to use in my hypnotherapy........ I don't know yet if I will try to get HIM to pay the fine - and pay it myself and chalk it up to experience. After all communication is a 2 way thing - and maybe I didn't listen hard enough to him??? I really enjoyed - and needed - an afternoon off yesterday. But today I am feeling fit for work - and am going swimming with Maggie afterwards. I should also be meeting Helen for lunch so I have a lot to look forward to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But as your accountant wasn't it his job to ensure this was done properly?

I hope your feeling much better soon (although glad to see your improving)