Tuesday 15 November 2011

Its just as well I can accept that my life is in a period of change - because after yesterday at work if this was my long term prospect for work I would be climbing the walls. It was horrible, really busy even with Pritti and another locum in (Emmeline is on leave till December). Poor communication and poor management just make things worse - and they are going to lose both their really good medicines management technicians because they are so fed up. Luckily for the 16.5 hours a week I am expected to be there I can just keep my head down and get on with my job as best I can. But it is giving me a spur to get another day when I cannot work for them because I am doing hypnotherapy and/or reiki. But I would like to try and some way to improve things at ROH if I could. I have the experience to be able to manage things better myself if I WAS in charge. Maybe I can drop a few ideas in the right ears. I managed the walk, and the walking round OK yesterday. Food was OK . I still don't feel I making massive strides towards a fabulously healthy food intake - but I am enjoying my food and I am not eating crisps or chocolate. I don't MISS crisps or chocolate . But I did enjoy the chocolate cookies we had yesterday evening. We have some sausage rolls in the fridge left over from our ghost hunting picnic. The old me would have HAD to have had one yesterday - maybe taken on in for lunch. But I am happy to leave them there until I think 'mmmmm I fancy one of those' The pre Paul McKenna me would NOT have thought like that . The days when I would go and buy a chocolate bar or 2 to sustain me on the way home have LONG gone - as have the days of my lunch being an sandwich, a sausage roll and a muffin washed down with hot chocolate. Looked at like that I have made HUGE progress over 3 years.

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