Friday 4 November 2011

Its 8.15 and I have only just got up. And I am looking forward to not going back to pharmacy work until 14th November.

Today I am going to chill - after a visit to the doctor and a trip to Sainsbury. Tonight is our long delayed return to Creaky!!!! So I want to be rested and refreshed for it. I am so glad I slept well last night. I had my normal wakeful spells - but the fact that my wakeful around 6 ended with me going back to sleep speaks volumes. That really IS late for me.

I may have no pharmacy work - but I have 4 hypnotherapy clients - some of whom may need more than one treatment! I also have 2 potential reiki clients who could if they becoem actual clients may well need more than one session.

So I would have worked 16.5 hours for about 360,00 less tax next week. Instead I will be working for 3.5 hours for 160.00 less tax..... and some driving.

So today I will be spending some time putting scripts together. My nody will be relaxing - my brain won't. @ of the sessions (a combined one for a mother and son) are about weight loss. Now THAT is going to be interesting . it will concentrate MY mind wonderfully on my issues. But I must be careful not to project MY problems onto THEM.

I am really looking forward to next week.

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