Thursday 1 April 2010

Keep on running

I slept much better last night I am happy to say. So when the alarm went off if I didnt exactly jump out of bed, I get get up almost immediately and put my running gear on. 5 minutes later having fed the cats I was outside. I did my longer route today and actually jogged at least half of it.

I can jog on the spot easily for 10 minutes using the wii fit. It is very different when you are moving over rough ground. But I surprised myself. I was on the homeward leg and had decided I would walk the rest of it when I decided I could manage one more jog ans jogged from the lake to the exit to the park - go me!!

1 comment:

Di said...

One of the most helpful things I have found when times get tough is to not only repeat the reiki principles over and over in my head but do all that I can from minute to minute to live them. Just for today, do not anger, do not worry, be grateful, work hard, be kind to every living being. Our nature is to do exactly the opposite, but focusing on these when things get tough helps to shut off what I call "the monkey brain" and allow life to communicate with our higher selves and wonderful things happen.