Saturday 3 April 2010

Life without a job

Well I have started my new (temporary) life with no job. I am worried what this will do to my fitness programme. Spending 5 and half hours a day on your feet and moving even if if it is in one room does use a lot of calories!

So yesterday I volunteered to go and deliver leaflets . 2 hours tramping a few streets playing postie plus my morning walk and 30 minutes free step on the wii fit should have kept me on track.

I have lots of things planned to do round the house and garden while I am off - and I am sure I will have more opportunities to play postie over the next few weeks as the election campaign gets going. So I think I will find other ways to use the calories I would have used at work.

3 or 4 years ago had I been faced with this situation I would have worried myself silly about money, and got myself so stressed I would comfort eat. How things change. I am lucky I can manage without an income for a short time, and if this enforced holiday means I don's lose weight, at least I know I am not going to put a lot of weight on through bad eating choices.

Its nice to feel in control.

Yesterday I had a carbohydrate day again although our dinner was meats balls and spaghetti with a home made pasta sauce using fresh vegetables. but I had no fruit at all. This morning I am craving fruit!

That is one craving I am happy to give into - and as I am now hungry after my walk in the park I think its time to get some breakfast

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