Thursday 15 April 2010

15th April

We are now half way through the month and there is still no definite news about work. I have just looked at my check list and I haven't done as much as I hoped I would.

I am trying not to feel downhearted -but I do. I had such high hopes. But I have done a lot of spade work and laid some good foundations. I am sure something will turn up. I can't do any more than I have done to find work.

I have done the big things. Paid off the mortgage, joined the reiki federation, told the pharmaceutical society and my pharmacy insurers what I am doing.

Food is still ok ish. My choices are healthy om the whole. I am trying to stick to Paul's rules. I am still having a problem with eating slowly. But I am drinking lots of water and I am doing well with exercise even if I am not doing as much jogging as I would like. Sadly I think my back is not going to let me do much jogging. It may be kinder about it if I lose more weight but I have to concede I am going to be walking most of the race of life.

I think my main emotion at the moment is frustration. I am not depressed or down. I am frustrated that I seem to be making so little progress. But that is a good spur to action I guess.

But I still have a clear goal for what I want to do , and I am moving in the right direction.

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