Monday 5 April 2010

How do others see us?

Steve spent most of yesterday here using our pc to write up an essay (he is currently without a computer when university is closed) He turned up much earlier than I was expecting and almost the first ting he did was to ask me if he could borrow 'I can make you thin' He is a big beleiver in Paul's methods having seen what Change your in 7 days did for me. And he used Paul's Instant self confidence book to great effect.

So I gave him my book and all the stuff I got from the seminar.

The interesting thing for me is that he knows I have worked through programme and am still trying to follow Paul's rules. He can see for himself that I haven't magically acquired a svelte like figure. So what incentive would there be for him to follow my methods? What does he see when he looks at me?

He trusts me , he trusts my judgment. He knows that Paul's methods have helped me increase my exercise levels a lot. Over the years he has seen my figure expand a LOT and then shrink down. He knows that my weight has stayed steady over the 2 years from hell - and I think he knows what an achievement that is. He is a comfort eater too.

He cannot look at me and think I am failure. And that means a lot

One of Paul's exercises is to look at yourself through the eyes of someone who truly loves you and try to see yourself as they see you. I havent done that for ages. Steve's request has got me to do it - and I am so glad. That simple request from him has really got to take a long hard look at myself. And I like what I see.

I am very tired and achey today. I didnt go to the park yesterday and only did a token workout on the wii fit. One reason why I am glad I have an enforced break is that I was physically tired - as well as having a lot of things to sort out. I have been concentrating so hard on the things to sort out that I forgot the physical rest I needed. So today I am NOT going to the park - but I may possibly go swimming. I will focus on drawing up a 'to do' list and ticking some of the items off it.

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