Friday 8 April 2011

A 'wow' moment

Yesterday was my busiest day since my operation. I went over to the hospice to shadow another therapist and learn my way round their bit, I went from there to ROH and did 4 hours work, and then we went to the Witch and didn't get back home till midnight.

Being busy help stop snacking - and I did not go overboard on the inevitable goodies at ROH. I al;so kept up with my water intake where ever I was (including the witch)

This morning tuning in I feel tired due to lack of sleep (thank you cats for getting me up too early) and have a strange muscle pain in my right thigh. I first became aware of it while driving home last night. It seems to be the same pain I sometimes get overnight . No idea what it is but I must keep an eye on it. Emotionally I am content. Thought is ' Things are going well - how can I keep up the momentum'

The wow moment was while I was at the hospice. The therapist I was shadowing does reiki and other therapies and was doing a second session with one gentleman. She asked me to join in the with the reiki and to concentrate on on his side where he was experiencing some discomfort. Afterwards he was really pleased because the discomfort was much better after treatment - and he was trying to work out was it because the reiki really HAD done something or was it all in his mind. This was a wow for 2 reasons. It is always amazing when a patient reports an immediate effect. But in this case he obviously hadn't had the same experience with Wendy's reiki. He commented how hot my hands were - a phenomenon he obviously hadn't felt from Wendy. It is always great when I get confirmation that I am having real effects. I think Wendy may have been a a bit miffed though, I hope not.

Work was OK. I had an 'interview' for the bank post - and that is now one step further forward. There is a small chance they will also accept one of my two recent CRB checks instead of doing another one.

I really am very tired today - and I am glad I have nothing much booked for the next few days. But my stamina does seem to be improving.

I have to go to the hospice again today to have my induction with Jean - and I am going to combine it with a trip to Mell Square to do some shopping. But apart from that I am not going to push myself too hard

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