Monday 18 April 2011

Oh my god what a horrible day!!

At the clinic they told me it was cancer so I would need radio iodine treatment. It will happen in about 6 weeks, and for two weeks beforehand I have to come off all my thyroid replacement - so god knows what I will feel like for those two weeks. Work probably won't be an option.

I will be in hospital for 3 - 5 days in isolation and no visitors. Anything I take with me may need to be help in quarantine when I am allowed to go if it is still radioactive. I will get them back - but that will make me think twice about taking in my laptop as a dvd player. But I will need to take in plenty of entertainment thats for sure.

I have had trouble adjusting to the idea - and Tony seems to be unable to cope at all. He has gone into major sulk mode. I know its his way of coping - but its very unfair on me. He has deleted strange matters and his FB account (although he has now re-instated it so I think he realises he has over-reacted and is probably being rather unfair to me. But I feel incredibly upset. However I haven't resorted to comfort eating. Although I may well resort to a large dose of alcohol tonight

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