Thursday 14 April 2011

I notice I haven't blogged since Tuesday. Food and drink went OK on Tuesday. And I got a lot of exercise too. I went for a walk in the park - not because I wanted to but because the pendulum told me I should - and I met Alan Green . I think I was meant to meet him. Monday was the first anniversary of Claire's death .

Later Tony and I walked up to Northfield to leave some business cards in the jewellers and ended up both buying new shoes and having a meal at Judy's Cafe (that was Jimmy's Cafe) so I didnt cook on Tuesday evening.

I ate my meal at the cafe really slowly.

Yesterday started off with an appointment at the denal hygeinist - and the rest of the day was 'off' from the moment I got home. I felt very down - ready to burst into tears. So I pampered myself, meditated and generally did everything I could to convince myself I was loveable and wanted. And it did work. I felt much better. But I had a very unproductive day. The evening was good tho. We went to Wolverhampton and for the first time played 4th ed with a good gaming group . I am still reserving judgement until I see how a battle runs tho.

I asked Simon P if he wanted to try for the hypnotherapy again - and all being well I am going over on Monday. Potter told Simon how beneficial he found his sessions - and it was good to get that sort of positive feedback. It feels good to be back on track with the hypnotherapy.

This morning I am going swimming with Maggie. Tuning in I feel sleepy - but no physical aches and pains. Emotionally I feel positive (a marked contrast to yesterday) and the thought is I will enjoy my breakfast after swimming and shopping.

I am going to make it a good and productive day today

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