Saturday 9 April 2011

That Saturday morning feeling

Normally on Saturday mornings people feel 'weee its the weekend lets relax and have fun' I am so tired from my busy 2 days all I am thinking is 'Have I really got the energy to anything?' But my slient musings as I feed the cats and sort out the dishwahser have produced a useful piece of self knowledge. I am really onlt 'tuning in' in the morning - and I think I need to tune in more often'

So lets start by tuning in right now.

I am tired, and still rather bunged up from the cold. I don't feel really hungry at the moment. Emotionally I am content. My thought is that I must get to grips with my eating and weight issues now my other issues are more settled.

Yesterday I went to Solihull for my induction at the hospice. I went early and did some shopping in Mell Square then walked from Mell Square to the hospice - then of course walked back after my interview. I decided the walk would be better for me and the extra car parking charge wouldn't be a massive hit. I am glad I did it - but I was SO glad I didnt have to do anything else for the rest of the day - or for a couple of days if I am honest. But the shopping trip gave me a jolt. I went into M and S and tried on a size 18 top and size 20 trousers. They were not even CLOSE to fitting. I didn;t realise M and S sizes were so skinny compared with other shops. It was a downer - especially the top. I would have needed a size 24 - and they don;t do them. But I can get into a size 16 top from Evans. But it has got me back to tinking about my size issues - hence my thoughts this morning,

May 4th will be my first working day at the hospice. I will be a proper reiki practitioner at last. I set that date to make sure I really was fit ( and because I accidently booked myself to work ot ROH one Wednesday!) It feels good to have finally made it.

Because I was out my water drinking went right down, and when I got home I was so tired I couldn't be bothered. That also affected my eating yesterday. Biscuits, Tortilla chips and chocolates :-(. The memory of that is what made me realise I don;t tune in more than once a day. And I must do it more often. I must get into the habit of carrying water with me in future.

I made a good choice for tea tho. As it was so warm I suggested salad - but I could tell Tony wasn't keen. He opted for ravioli. I did him ravioli and myself salad and we both had a grilled potato waffle. I needed the cripsiness. So tinned tuna, lettuce beetroot and a raw carrot plus the waffle was my dinner - and I am quite pleased with myself. I really enjoyed it. I have lots of vegetables in the rack that I must cook and/or use over the weekend. I think some carrot soup could be on the menu! It will be good to do some cooking anyway.

To weigh or not to weigh that is the question? Also how much exercise should I start adding in? Now my spiritual exercises are sorted my physical ones need to be added in. I want to get back to exercising before I go to work. But I think my eating is probably the most important thing to get control of - hence tuning in is going to be my main focus for a few days. I am still exercising with house work - and I may well take a walk in the park today as the weather is so wonderful. Workouts can be added in later.

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