Tuesday 12 April 2011

I weighed myself yesterday - and I can at least say my weight is stable. Thats good . Not putting on weight is good - and I can accept that as a starting point. Now all I have to do is adjust things a little so I start to lose.

Tuning in , physically I am OK - maybe a bit bloated. I am also still half asleep. Emotionally determined probably best described how I feel. Thought or question is how to make the most productive use of today.

Yesterday was Sheila's birthday and Tony had forgotten. However once we had been reminded it was amazingly easy to get going to get a card and some flowers and to pop over. There were no grumbles from Tony at all. She was out when we got there so we went to Margaret's for a bit then all went down together.

I have no idea yet what I am going to do today, whether it will be productive or not, or even if I will do any significant exercise. I am staring at 2 bills that need to be paid and I know I need to deal with some other paperwork issues so I may do those then just chill for the rest of the day. I think at the moment sleepiness is over writing determined!

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