Thursday 7 April 2011

Back to work

This morning I am preparing for a busy day. I am going to the hospice to shadow another complementary practitioner this morning, then this afternoon I am working from 1.00 until 5.00. This evening we are going to the Witch.

So I am up early, and am concentrating on my spiritual exercises first. I also need to print off a time sheet, ring and check it is still ok for me to shadow Wendy, ,eat and, get dressed. Anything else is an unnecessary distraction.

Yesterday exercise was shopping with Steve - Sainsbury, Aldi , Pet supermarket and the jewllers to repair my pendulum. Drinking water was good, slow eating was ok ish but if I was writing a school report it would say could try harder.

Tuning in this morning I realise feel a bit bloated - and I am not sure why. I am hungry tho. Emotionally I am enthused and excited about the day ahead. Thought or question is how will I cope at work. I need to visualise it all going really well.

Yesterday I had one pleasant surprise. The first sound I heard from Tony yesterday was him blowing his nose. I realised he had come down with a cold and my heart sank. He tends to be grumpy when he is ill. He does tend to the 'manflu' syndrome But to my surprise he said nothing to me about the cold and seemed fairly chipper. A bit later his FB status was a comment that he had a dry throat and sniffles - but he was not going to let it get him down. The only slight grump came when he had to decide if he wanted to go to the game at Gill and Darren's. His only concern was whether he was infectious - and it was clear he really was up for going despite the cold. This is such a contrast to how he is normally. He continued to make his normal quota of drinks through the day, and stayed very upbeat. He seems to have caught positive thinking off me as well as my cold.

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