Sunday 3 April 2011


So much for my hopes of a good weekend. The cold has got a stranglehold on my and this morning I now have a cough.

Tuning in I feel bunged up and my throat is very uncomfortable. Emotionally I am actually quite positive because I know despite the cold things are moving forward for me. My thought is I need to meditate and visualise to try and get to the bottom of what is causing this cold. When I had reiki on Wednesday I got the word 'detox' in my head. I know that the symptoms of a cold are actually caused by the immune system kicking in so in a way these symptoms are a sign of 'detox' going on - but I am wondering if there is more to it than just a cold. Although I dont buy into all Louise Hay's ideas about the causes of illness I suspect I do need some emotional detox as well.

I am still drinking water. I am still eating slowly. I am not moving my body as much as I would like - but I am ill at the moment - and I am not going to push anything. I walked up the hill to the shops yesterday to collect my prescription and get my hair cut. That was enough moving for me yesterday - and I knew I had done it. But my legs felt fine at the top of the hill - my main problem was just fatigue because I am not as fit as I was so that is a good sign

I am now very close to starting work at the hospice. Next Thursday I am going in to shadow another practitioner - and on Friday I am going in for my induction with Jean - who says they need to get me working sooner rather than later . I am very excited.

I am beginning to feel hungry now - and I have been up nearly two hours so I must get something to eat.

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