Tuesday 5 April 2011

Setting up for the day ahead

'Failing to plan means you are planning fail'

It sounds a bit trite - but its very true. using this blog to help me plan my day is a tool to help me succeed. Also by blogging I visualise what I am going to do - and as long I visualise things going well that helps me succeed.

Yesterday wasn't a brilliant day. I started eating too fast again so today I must get back to where I was with that. I drank lots of water, my walk round the lake was very good and I did some very helpful thinking as I walked.

Tuning in this morning I am still a bit sleepy - but I am hungry - and a bit thirsty despite water and tea. I still have the remnants of my cold but otherwise physically I feel ok. Emotionally I feel upbeat and positive. Thought is I want to dive into my new spiritual routine and do some work on my portfolio. So I am very motivated.

I am going swimming later with Margaret. I am going to do my new spiritual routine in a bit (after breakfast) and then work on my portfolio.

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