Friday 15 August 2008


Stress is a funny thing. I know I need a certain amount of it to work at my best. I'm a 'give me a deadline and I'll work to it' sort of person. In some ways the more I have to do the more productive I am. But nowadays I know the work needs to be more desk based than walking around wards. I am begginig to think if UHB can re-deploy me into an 8a at SOH I may be able to understake it full time. It all depends on wha Emily can offer me - if anything.

So what is my plan for today? Well I have my spinal rehab class,2 wards (including B4 ) a dispensary session and a meeting with Emily. But I am still intending to take a walk at lunchtime and take time for my reflective portfolio. Any excse to write!!!

I was so pleased with the way I managed my fod yesterday. I really do feel I am back in control after a wobble when Mum died. I now have a god visualizatio of how I WANT to lok at my ideal weight ...and its a visulaization naked oooeerrr. And last night I lstened to the CD and went right under - the firs time for ages. Rightly or wrongly I always take that as a sign that I really relaxed and at the moemt that has got to be a very good thing.

So today breakfast was 1 weetabix and a kiwi fruit Lunch will be the remains of yesterday dnner and some fruit. Dinner - well I'll make that u when I get home.

I am still a bit peckish after the cereal so I may have a slice of toast before I leave.

I am feeling very good about today, and I feel good about myself - which in some ways is more important.

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