Thursday 12 January 2012

So far so good. The wii fit has been used 3 days in a row - first time for some time if I am honest. Although last night it was only 20 minutes. I did toy with the idea of adding a bit of jogging o to the end last night - but on balance decided against it as we DID have a game last night. The lemon slices in wayet idea that one of the group members came up with is brilliant. The small amount of effort involved pays dividends on so many levels including tiny little L"Oreal moments when I sip it. All I need now is a way to lemon it outside the house. This morning I am going swimming, then up to the salon, then over to Solihull for a paid reiki session (my hospice patient who is poorly ) It means I have a problem. I must get going or I will be late - but I don't feel hungry so what can I do about breakfast? THATS the down point with Paul's rules when you know you won't have access to food when you are hungry. I have a cereal bar packed but that won't be enough and I don't have much time to sort it out. GOT to get moving pdq

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