Wednesday 25 January 2012

I overslept this morning. I was awake part of the night but got back to sleep, woke about 5.30 from a weird dream, but went back to sleep to sleep again. Next thing I knew it was 7.15 and I was running late. So here I sit with coffee and breakfast as my priority. I was hungry when I woke up, I am eating it slowly, it wasn't big - but I already know I am going to be adding a slice of toast today. Hang on I haven't been eating it THAT slowly. OK time to hit the coffee, leave the bowl and see how I feel in a few minutes. I ache. Yesterday was a busy day with work and visiting Maura. I also did 30 minutes on the wii fit and hit nearly 3800 steps. No wonder I ache maybe? But I am also of ware of a great tiredness from rushing. I feel the need to slow down. Truth be told today could potentially be a very rushed day with all the driving and 2 home visits. Roll on tomorrow!! Food yesterday was OK - although stress sent to me nibble some chocolates that had been left out. But I ate it slowly, drank plenty of water, and I know I didn't hit them as hard as I once would have done. Yesterdays stress came from the fact that I discovered an error made the senor technician/dispensary manager. Its discovery raises a whole can or worms as the Chief Pharmacist is unsure about the technicians role anyway. But on talking to another pharmacist we are agreed Pam makes quite a few errors simply because she is trying to do too much. Yet again I am wondering about my future there - and whether I really want to have one. I find I have lots of ideas for how things could be improved - so my pharmacy head is still firmly on it seems. Plus point sof yesterday. I drank plenty of water, my snacking was right down,I haven't had a biscuit at home for over a week - mainly because I haven't wanted one. Taking note of my instinctive reaction to food is helpful. BTW the dinner `i pre cooked was less than successful sadly - but at least it meant my dinner was small! Part of me is tempted to step on the scales..........................

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