Tuesday 24 January 2012

Dealing with stress

yesterday at work was much better than Friday - but still had its stress points - some of them triggered by the same things as Friday. I managed to avoid the food response to the same extent. My eating was MUCH more under control because I decided to send a polite e-mail to the bosses outlining the source of my stresses - which really come down to the crappiest PMR/labelling system EVER .Possibly made worse by the person who is normally in charge of adjusting the labels on the system - Pam. Pam is a major source of stress to me because she finds a real problem delegating and focussing. But I got through yesterday without over indulgence in the biscuits and chocolates scattered around the wards and department.I did NOT eat all the stuff I had taken with me for lunch, and dinner was 3 slices of pizza - nothing else. I didn't WANT any biscuits in the evening even tho Tony had one. I also drank water. And I did 30 minutes on the wii fit. Today I am VERY organised because the evening meal is cooking as I type this - a stew. My lunch for work is done, and all I have to do is have breakfast and get dressed. Plus some meditation time would be fabulous and I do have a chance to fit that in in the hour and a half remaining. As ever this blog is a form of meditation anyway. I think I can say I am feeling in control again today

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