Friday 13 January 2012

I have suggested to all the members of my FB group that they all pick a habit they want to change, whether its a change in how they eat what they eat or how they think and go public. I have picked eating slowly, because I KNOW its a habit that would really help me. I have had no problems with 'moving my body' this week. I have used the wii fit every day. I even used it yesterday evening, even though I had been swimming in the morning and was frankly quite tired after a long day. Yesterday was a bad food day tho. I had to rush out to get to the pool on time and ended up not getting a proper breakfast and it all went downhill from there. I ended up eating eccles cakes as I drove home after giving Anne a reiki treatment. I wasn't that hungry in the car - but I knew they were there and I was tired after a frustrating day with no real interest up at the salon. But Paula was VERY positive about the effects of her reiki last week - and has blocked off an hour next Thursday to make SURE she gets a treatment next week. So she really HAS found it beneficial. I need glossy leaflets to give to the customers up there to promote reiki. I also need glossy posters to go on the walls. Vistaprint here I come

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