Saturday 14 January 2012

Eating slowly

Well I really tried hard with this yesterday. I couldn't finish my breakfast. Unfortunately because I was planning to meet Helen for lunch I didn't take any food with me to work and it all started to go a bit pear shaped.I felt hungry - but had nothing to hand that I fancied. so I had to choose a nibble from what was available in the department - and M and S crunchy rice crispy based thing . I ate that slowly after drinking some water while I was en route to a ward. When I got back at 11.30 I knew I wouldn't last until lunchtime so went to the canteen hoping for some toast - but was too late. So I picked a packet of Kettle crisps and a slice of cake. I still have half the cake. I actually really enjoyed the crisps. Unlike the cheap crisps you CAN crunch and savour them. Lunchtime (Helen couldn't make it in the end) was curry no rice and a naan. I couldn't finish it - partly because I ran out of time with only 30 minutes for lunch, but I wasn't hungry any more. When I got home I was hungry - and Tony was having technical problems with email attachments that made him rather grumpy. He couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to eat. I kept myself going with a mince pie - eaten not as slowly as I would have liked. Finally he said he would do himself something later. Now I hate cooking for one - and by that time I was hungry and needed something fast. I settled on cheese on toast - made from the crusty bread - with baked beans. I really REALLY enjoyed it and couldn't finish it. During the evening another mince pie got consumed, Then Tony(who by this time had recovered) realised there was enough yule log left for a small slice each. Was I really hungry? Ermmmmm - maybe not. Did I eat it slowly? yes. Did I enjoy it??? Oh boy yes I did!! OK so I have 3 days a week when work will make slow eating a bit of a problem - BUT THE OTHER FOUR DAYS IT SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM. I need to get into the habit of carrying healthy snacky stuff I can properly enjoy. Fruit is the obvious choice. When I really fancy fruit I will slow my eating down. Crunchy cereal bars are another option. The packets from the 'Graze' box would also be useful, Maybe I also need to start keeping carrot sticks with me as well. Again is I fancy them I will eat them slowly. I have been eating my breakfast (one weetabix, dried fruit and fromage frais) as I have been typing this. I have finished it - and just drunk some water. Part of me still feels hungry - but I don't think I am so I will resist the temptation to make some toast until I have finished my lemony water. (Bless you Lindsey for that idea! Today is a chillax day. If I get hungry I can just what I want to eat - although the ghost hunt tonight may prove an interesting challenge. I normnally take nibbles since staying awake until 2.00am is an unnatural state for me!! OK wat about everything else? I have 2 more CD's to do for group members, I want to investigate getting some glossy stuff from Vistaprint, I want to get back to my portfolio,I want meditate. I want to have a bath.............. woahhhhh girl s,ow down!! It can't all be done at once. Visatprint , while I am waiting to see if I am going to do some toast, then the bath, and let my mind wander to see if I can et any useful insights about what the universe wants me to know. Then I can work on the CD's. Sounds like a plan to me!

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