Sunday 27 March 2011

Review of the week

'By the end of the week I want to

Take a walk in the park
Have done at least a third of the questions in the portfolio
Be drinking at least 4 glasses of water a day'

Well I did the first two - and I have started on my portfolio - but I only spent time on it on one day despite putting it on my to do list on at least 3 days.

Yesterday was a bad day. I didn't exercise - apart from doing some shopping. We didn't make the ghost hunt. Tony said he was tired - and to be honest so was I. My legs felt slightly jelly like and wobbly all day. I wouldn't have made it. But I am not sure if Tony really WAS tired - in which case I have been underestimating the effect of all this on him. Or did he realise I was being overoptimistic thinking I would manage and decide the easiest way to stop me going was to say he was tired too rather than try to persuade me. All I now is he was very grumpy and that made me grumpy too. He volunteered to go shopping with me because he was bored and wanted to get out. Either way I have to accept that he is being affected by my problems more than I realised. Something to think about.

But thinking about how I felt when I made my entry last Sunday compared to how I feel now, there has been an improvement. I don't feel as bloated and horrible as I did. My eating and drinking habits have been a lot better this week and I am feeling the benefits. Tuning in apart from the inevitable lower abdo discomfort (mild IBS plus a bit of constipation ) I feel OK. Emotionally I feel positive. OK yesterday was a dip but I am not letting it get me down and drive me into an orgy of comfort eating. Thought is 'I have made a good start now build on that'

I pushed myself too hard in the middle of the week because I wanted to get on the ghost hunt. I was also scared by the figure on the scales.So the lesson is build up gently. Going swimming and doing a long walk on the same day probably wasn't the best idea I have ever had. I managed it but I got overconfident as a result and pushed myself too hard on the days afterwards. So my goal for this week is to build u my wii fit sessions so by this time next week 30 minutes is in one go is possible. Note to self I will meet this goal as long as I can do 30 minutes in one go next Saturday. I don't have to do it today or tomorrow or even the day after.

My eating and drinking have been a lot healthier this week. My water intake is up to 1 litre a day even though I now only take 1 Sandocal a day. (Hooray my Calcium level came up) I started the week keeping a tumbler at my side - I now keep a pint glass at my side - and I am refilling it at least once a day. The main benefit I have seen form this is less snacking (a lot less snacking) and my bladder is better behaved . I am not getting up in the night to go to the loo. My bladder is getting used to holding larger amounts so it is beginning to co-operate with me again. Although I don't subscribe to the idea of detoxing, I know my kidneys will be working more efficiently with all the fluid I am giving them and that can't be a bad thing. However I don't feel bouncing with energy as a result, my skin isn't magically glowing , Water is very healthy - but not magical.

Am I tuning in before I eat anything? I start off well but it still falls apart later in the day. But this has been the pattern with my eating for ages now. I mange well with slow and mindful eating when I get up but it deteriorates throughout the day. I need to practice slow rating this week - so that will be another of my goals but lets set a number. I need to chew all food I put in my mouth at least 10 times.

So lets summarise my goals for this week

To be doing 30 minutes exercise in one go. This can be on the wii fit or outside
To move up from free step to exercises with a higher MET rating
To get outside in the fresh air at least once a day
To chew every mouthful of food at least 10 times
To do at least an hours work on the portfolio every day
To continue with my meditation and self healing

My goals for today are

to do 2 repetitons of step plus or rhythm parade
mow the front lawn
keep up with the drinking and other regular goals

I will get healthier, I will get fitter, I will love myself enogh to do this

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