Tuesday 29 March 2011

Climbing the mountain

'So today my plan is to do some serious work on my portfolio
Continue with the mindful eating and drinking water
Move my body in some way.
Sort out the laundry
Pick up my glasses from the optician

I did everything except work on the portfolio - and my meditation was to blame. I saw a mountain - and realised I have a mountain to climb in terms of my recovery from surgery, my weight loss and my portfolio. And the clear message I got was 'take it slowly' No-one ever ran up a mountain - and they needed help on the way. The idea of 'slow and steady' was a recurring theme for about an hour yesterday in snippets that found me rather me going looking for them. I got the message. The idea of tuning in and doing what feels right whether it is eating exercise or study feels ....... errrr right!

And I am already reaping the rewards. I did really well both with drinking water - and slow eating. Also another thing that came out of the meditation was that I was able to visualise myself thinner and healthier.

I read other weight loss blogs and two of my regular ones had new posts today. My reaction to them was interesting. JackSh*t was talking about turning it up a notch - a very un Jack like attitude in some ways. 'Fit the the finish' Diane was talking about 'aha' moments when you realised you HAD to do something. I don't really like either bloggers approach to weight loss (portion control, work outs etc) . But they have both lost a lot of weight - in Di's case over 10st - so they can teach me something although my instinct was to reject the ideas they put forward ( Hmm - I appear to be being humble and respectful and living one of the reiki tenets) On thinking about it I have turned it up a notch over the past couple of days measured by the successes I mentioned in the previous paragraph. And yesterday was an 'aha' moment for me although not of the type Diane was thinking about - but then maybe she was hmmmm. So this is I think confirmation I am finally on the right track.

I did manage quite a bit of physical stuff yesterday. Laundry, shopping, walking, dishwasher, some gentle cleaning/tidying and 10 minutes on the wii fit (with a board that stopped working after 122 steps grrrr) But that was enough - I was tired and that was why I didnt do any work on my portfolio.

There is a message there I think .

Today I am going over to the Hypnotherapy college at lunchtime to meet up with a couple of friends who are on this weeks module. I am looking forward to it.

Today - my goal is to have a good and satisfying day. Because moving forward in my goals is satisfying I am not going to specify anything in particular. Watch this space tomorrow to se what I did

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