Tuesday 13 December 2011


Yesterday goes down as a red letter day. Tony is now employed by Psychic Today on channel 886. Tony also got paid for a private email reading he gave via FB. And I have a hypnotherapy client booked for Thursday evening. All I can say us wow!!! Steve hasn't heard about the job - they have more candidates to interview today. But he feels the fact he knows about locum agencies and pharmacy helps. He also knows he was a lot faster on the typing test they gave him thatn the girl who went in before him. he did his best - and all he can do is wait. An additional wow comes the fact that the form finally got sorted out to get me on the right pay scale at the Orthopedic Hospital. I have been underpaid by 4.00 per hour since I started there in July. The back pay will be nice. - around 1000.00 I think I won't get it until the new year - but I may get the proper rate on the pay slip I will get before Xmas. Another wow comes from the fact that the hypnotherapy client found my card at the surgery - and the GP told her hypnotherapy would be good for her problem. So I sit here this morning feeling good - if fat. For some reason I feel REALLY fat today - but I don't care. My IBS is OK ish, my cystitis is OK , Krystal Wolf has taken a huge step forward, Tony is on cloud 9 - and hasn't yet come down. I know this euphoria can't last - but I do feel a HUGE corner has been turned. We were discussing weight and health at work yesterday = and I got a chance to et on my soapbox about the obesity epidemic really being a lack of exercise epidemic and that being thin doesn't mean being fit. There was general agreement I was right. That is clearly on my mind this morning - OK I am not at what this culture would regard as my 'ideal weight' but for my age I am very healthy. In fact I wander if the actuary tablets that insurance companies use are based on the wrong thing. they are based on weight. maybe they should be based on exercise patterns!! Today I am meeting Jane in leamington. Steve is coming with me - something I am quite relieved about since that will preclude me probing exactly what I have done to upset the Tuckers. I feel I have turned into Aunt Angela from Outnumbered. The embarrassing relative that the kids dislike but the Mum feels she has to support because they are sisters. But what I AM going to make sure gets mentioned is our psychic work - something I suspect Jane is unsure about. I have the perfect anecdote to tell her, about the devout christian I gave reiki to at the hospice. I just hope we find the shops this time. I need to finish my present shopping. I have just realised I have spiritual work every day apart from today this week now. Hospice tomorrow, hypnotherapy on Thursday and on Friday I am giving an extra home treatment to one of my hospice patients. That feels good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow this is such a great post! I hope theMeeting with Jane was positive too