Monday 12 December 2011

That Monday morning feeling

This could be an important Monday for us. Steve has a job interview, and Tony has a test reading to see if 88g want him for option 0. But I have woken with IBS discomfort - and have resorted to Movicol. Its the longest spell I have had on Movicol for some time. I need some positive visualisation to help it sort itself out. The christmas tree is up and decorated - but I still haven't finished the cards or the wrapping. I had good intentions - but it didn't work out. However I am more organised than I normally am. And I already know I am not going to be rushing around tiring myself out with too much xmas food shopping. This year we are keeping thing simple. Apart from IBS - well I am feeling OK. My cystitis seems to be as under control as it ever is. I can face wearing trousers this morning anyway. I am looking forwrad to the walk across the park - although it will be cold. Its VERY cold this morning - but at least its dry. Must check the weather forecast before I go tow work tho. Food is under control . I am eating mainly healthy stuff. I am exercising on a reasonably regular basis - and trying to do some on the days when I don't go to work. I am still rather in a holding pattern - I don't feel I am making huge strides forward - but I am not going backwards. I wonder if it would be helpful to find out if there are any food triggers for my IBS? I don't think there are - but it may be worth doing in the new year.

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