Sunday 4 December 2011

Its been a turbulent 36 hours for me - probably 48 hours or longer for Tony. The first I knew about it was when Tony sent me an email at work saying he was giving up psychic work because he wasn't getting anywhere. So he pulled out of the psychic fair we were going to yesterday, left krystalwolf on Facebook, and even told me he had 'fired' his guides. I went to the fair without him, had an amazing reading done for me, did one reading myself (it was really quiet so I was grateful for that one) The reading I had (asked for by me for me) was about us - and how intertwined Tony is with me. Anyway while I was away Tony went public on FB about what he was doing, got some good advice, got told what I already knew guides can't be fired, and has not only rejoined Krystalwolf (as the only admin left I had to agree to let him join) but submitted an application to Psychic TV to become one of their option 0 team. When I got home we even discussed an idea I had about both of us doing a special up at Paula Jaynes. We haven't discussed it but I am presuming he will be coming with me to the psychic supper Karl has asked us to be at on Thursday. I always knew there was a better than even chance he would be their even while I was having a bit of cry about the whole mess sown at The Witch. What can I learn from this? What can I do to help Tony have more belief in himself? I need to think about it carefully. If he had been getting the feedback from me he probably wouldn't have put himself - and me- through this. I really need to work on this. On another topic I have looked at the links given to me by Beachbody. I can't see me doing anything more about it. A 90 day fitness programme isn't the sort of thing I would use. It isn't aimed at fitness - its aimed at getting a 6 pack - and that isn't my idea of 'fit' Anyway I sit here this morning with IBS playing up, back on Movicol, having had cystitis bug me most of the night. I will be relieved to get the ultrasound over tomorrow - and very glad I am not back at ROH until Thursday. Roday I want a nice relaxing day with Tony.

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