Monday 8 September 2008

I wish I was clairvoyant

I am clearly not because I would never have taken such a optimistic tone in my last post. Edna is unwell againwith both legs leaking copiuously to th epoit where on Friday morning when she woke up she thought she had wet the bed. She ow has to sit with both legs bandaged, and keep her feet up. . Sturday the weather was sooo bad I couldn't avross to see her because of heavy flooding. Sunday she was bretahless again but Steve and I did manage to get to see her yesterady afternoon. Not that it did much good although I think she did take on board that there is no physical reason for her breathlessness and that if she can relax and take a couple of deep breaths when she starts to feel it coming on she will be better.

She gave me Len's (her brother) phone number and address and asked me to ring him. He is clearly worried about her and was grateful that I said I would keep in touch with him.

Do I really wish I was clairvoyant? Porbably not. How would feel if I knew Edna was going to die soon I don't know.

So I once again feel I am being tossed around in stormy seas with litle or no control over events. So I am still tryig to take control over the things I can which means after a difficult week last week, food and excercise are at te top of my agenda.

I haven't managed to eat all my breakfast whihc is a good sign I guess.

I'd like to think I woud make another serious attenpt at my refelctive CPD journal. I will try

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