Sunday 21 September 2008

Here we go again

I woke up this morning long before everyone else as usual and decided ( was called?) to go to the 8.00 am communion at St Mary's. I felt the need to shore up my spiritual strength. Halfway thriugh the service my mobile went off (how ironic thr sermon was all about interuptions) and I saw the call was from Fosters. I didn't take the call then - Istayed at the service. When it was over I rang back and dsiocevered Edna was on the verge of being re-admitted to Selly Oak. So I spent today at SOh - when I wasn't getting stuff from Edna's flat.

Why do I say I was called to go to church? Well I had a sort of premonition about my phone goin off (so why didn't I turn it off?) and there were SO many things in the service that spoke to me. The sermon about interuptions was about her interruptons can be God's way fo showing us what we SHOULD be doing rather than what we PLANNED to be doing. With that idea i mind the message of this year is crystal clear....... I think.

I am tired, I can't face work tommorrow, and I have pains in my stomach that I have suffered from for 2 days now. I am wondering if I have an ulcer. I know I am stressed beyond belief so it wouldn't surprise me if I did - but it may not be. I have an apointmeny with the Nirse tommorrow (to follow up on my cholesterol test which I know was high so I'm guessing I will be on a Statin tommorrow night. Maybe I'll be back on bendro as well - and frankly I don't give a shit at the moment.

This morning going to church was a small attempt to runaway - becasue no-one knew where I was. It was lovely for the short time before that phine went off...............

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