Tuesday 2 November 2010

Feeling fed up

Yesterday wen't fairly well I suppose. I did 20 minutes wii fit jogging, and some 'down on my hands knees moving furniture' cleaning. Cleaning wasn't on my list for yesterday, but I spotted much at the edge of the rug and ended up cleaning under the rug , the settee and one armchair, That not only gave me some exercise but did contribute to my desire not to fritter away these days when I am not working.

I did also put in some work on getting my business account sorted out ready to send to the accountant. However I didnt do as much as I hoped.

I gave up on being dynamic early afternoon as I was quite tired, and to be honest fed up. I was overwhelmed with dissatisfaction at my lack of success recently.

I didnt drink as much water as I intended - but this morning I have already drunk almost a 1 litre. I woke very thirsty again this morning,

Food was ok ish. I did manage to eat slower - but I know I still need to slow down even more. I still did some mindless snacking - but it takes time to break these sorts of habits and today is another day.

I didnt meditate - and that is something I know I need to deal with

This morning apart from thirsty I feel sleepy - but not tired. I did sleep better last night. My IBS is still registering - and i am not sure what I should do. I feel quite bloated as well. I have the normal pain in my thigh. I do still feel a bit fed up - but I am determined. I have a few things going for me to keep me focussed. One of the things keeping me focussed is that I have lots of fresh vegables aorund that need to be sued before they go off - and another box will be dleivered tomorrow. So I have the excuse to get very creative in the kitchen and produce food that is healthy and nutritious. I think a vegetarian stew could be on the menu later in the week.

So today I am going to focus on - and do better - with drinking water, and with eating slowly.

Post wii fit entry

I did 25 minutes on the wii fit including an island lap in 10 minutes. I did a body test before I began and according to the wii fit I have put on a pound since my last test a couple of days ago. This shows how meaningless daily weighing is . I have no doubt that extra pound was due to the large amount of water I drank this morning. I drank 20 ounces of water in one go ( a pint) . So I don't feel worried. In fact if I hadn't drunk all that water just before I did the test it may well have shown a slight loss.

So I actually feel quite encouraged. My weight is going in the right direction and my wii fit age which was registered as being over 70 due to problems I had with tests - is down to 46 again.

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