Monday 15 November 2010

Am I getting anywhere?

It doesn't feel like it at the moment. I am still trying hard to eat slowly and drink more water. I am certainly doing better with both but still feel I am not doing as well as I can.But it takes time to get into habits- and I am determined these are going to become habits.

The lump on my neck isn't due to a normal type of thyroid problem according to my GP. My thyroid finction tests were normal - but the lump is probably a euthyroid lump and may be caused by reduced iodine intake due to me using a salt substitute that isn't iodized. My BP is fine so something is going wright - but how ironic is it that a move I make for health reasons has possibly CAUSED a health problem. Its all a question of balance I suppose

I am at work today in Leamington so am up earlier than normal. I am having some breakfast - and I know I am not going to finish tje bowl partly becasue of time constraints but also because I am no longer hungry - but I wasn't that hungry to start with. I just know I will hungry later if I DON'T eat now.

In fact I feel over carbed this morning - and I didnt eat much fruit and veg yesterday I have to admit. Toast, cheese on toast and cous cous were my main foods. On the plus side I didnt do any snacking.

I think I need a nive vegetarian meal tonight to provide some balance (and fibre!!)

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