Monday 12 July 2010

A case of frustration

It is no comfort to know that every person on the journey to improved health and fitness will feel frustration at times.

Knowing other people have been where I am now doesn't help me get out of it.

I think it may help to list the sources of frustration so I can either see a common factor or can by listing them get some ideas for how to deal with things So here goes

I am not losing weight - but that is because I am not actually sticking to the 4 golden rules.
I am not making anu progress with my reiki
Although I have finally finished my OU course I am frustrated that I didn't do better. I know I want to go on and learn more but I don't think I have passed this course

I could go on but won't. And I dont have time to realy go into things now if I am going to get to work on time. Lack of time is another source of frustration.

My task for today is to work out if tere is a common factor to all these - and then blag about it.

One posaitive factor is I am looking at my bowl of cereal and thinking I can't possibly eat that much.

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