Tuesday 15 June 2010

Why am I more motivated now?

I am more motivated now. I know that because yesterday was a much better food day. I ate slowly and it does make a huge difference. I also achieved more generally. I got some much needed housework done and have the intention of doing some more today. In fact this morning as I was coming downstairs to feed the cats I found myself thinking that all I need to do is spend half an hour a day on specific area in the house that bothers me. After all its 30 extra minutes exercise if I do that.

So something has clicked in my mind - and I don't have a clue what.

Yesterday food went quite well. I did snack a bit during the game - but it was cereal bars. I did have some biscuits but a lot fewer than has been normal recently.

My official exercise went well too and included 20 minutes of jogging.

And almost as if to give me a pat on the back for being so motivated I also got some bookings for work. An extra day from the hospital in Sutton Coldfield and a massive surprise for next week is a full weeks work via the agency at a different private hospital - at a very satisfactory rate of pay.

A few weeks ago I had a tarot reading at a psychic fair. One of things she told me was that I will never be fabulously rich - but the money will keep coming in and will be there when I need it. This does feel like confirmation of that prediction.

My vision for my future was always a couple of days of week in a community pharmacy and some reiki work. I am now beginning to see a different future with occasional relief work in hospital supplementing my pension.

I am sure reiki will be there in my future - but I may need to rethink how I intend to offer it.

This isn't a case of feeling more motivated because things are going better. I was feeling better BEFORE I got the emails about the extra work. Things are going better because I am more motivated.

Does it matter that I don't know what as flipped the switch in my mind? I dont think it does.

1 comment:

Sally said...

and things just got fantastic. I have just been given a long term booking at a local hospital. Not sue how long it will last but it should be at least 3 months. So I have no need to worry about money for the immediate future