Monday 14 June 2010


This is probably the hardest thing to do. Its certainly what I have been having problems with recently. But today for some reason I feel motivated to get on top of my food issues. I hope it lasts. No lets re-phrase that. I hope I can keep the motivation going.

But I am not sitting here thinking 'right that's it 1000 calories a day and no more biscuits' I am sitting here thinking. 'Right that's it I am going to listen to my body and I am going to eat SSSLLLLOOOOWWWWLLLLYYYY'

That is were I have been falling so badly to stick to Paul's rules.

One of the things that has been a recurring theme for me recently is that good health is more about a good diet and exercise than it is about weight loss. So the scales don't come into it. I don't have to cave in to the wii fits demands that I do a body test.My recent poor food control have been making me feel bad on the inside. I want to feel good on the inside. I actually don't need to know what I weigh to feel good.

Is it a coincidence that this new motivation has appeared when I feel I am making progress spiritually and psychically? No of course not.

Part of it is also that I am adjusting to my new life routine and am re-gaining my feeling of self worth.

I know from reading other blog posts that everyone on this kind of health journey goes through the sort of doldrums I have been through. Its nice knowing I am not alone - and will have the support of people who can say "been there done that got the T shirt . I got through it and so can you'

You all did it and so can I!!!!!

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