Sunday, 27 June 2010

Today is the day

Today is the Race for Life. I am committed to 'walk jog or run' 5K today on what is going to be the hottest day of the year so far. The temperature is predicted to hit 28 degrees. I have woken up in one those stiff moods with slight niggly back ache. Could there be worse omens for the race?

Except of course it is NOT a race. No-one but me cares about my time. I want to jog all of it - but have no intention of making myself ill by being too energetic if it gets too hot. Just 'moving my body' for the whole 5K will be an achievement.

So in a bit I will be putting on my green shorts and my bright pink Race for Life T shirt and covering myself with Factor 25 .

Wish me luck

Thursday, 24 June 2010

New regime

OK so this is my first week of full time work. And I am having real problems fitting things in. Both the wii fit and the park are only sporadic, Meditation is down to nothing and even my card pics dont happen every day. Part of the problem is the early start at Leamington combined with the a busy week in the evenings. Things will be better next week when I will have a later start.

Also next week will be AFTER the Race for life so I wont be 'training' But that shouldn't be an excuse for not keeping up with my exercise plans.

I have looked at the weather forecast for Sunday and it is going to be REALLY hot. 27 degrees. I think that is going to have an effect on how much jogging I can do. I have no intention of making myself ill through the race. So if I walk most of it, I walk most of it.

I am getting in to the swing of things slowly - but things are not going as smoothly as I would have liked.

But I am moving a lot at work, lots of walking up and down stairs and food is good on the whole . Not totally bad news then

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

New me asked some questions

1. What would my perfect day consist of?
A lot depends on my mood. Sometimes it will be a day out with my partner in the sunshine looking at the countryside or an old building. Other times it will be a scary ghost hunt!.

2. How would you describe yourself if you were an item of clothing?
That comfy cuddly old mishapen jumper that you wear when you are relaxing at home

3. What hobbies are you currently working on?

Role playing games and paranormal/psychic stuff

4. Walking in the woods in wellies or barefoot on the beach?
Barefoot on the beach

5. Have you ever hugged or sang to a tree?

6. Growing your own veggies or nipping to supermarket?

Nipping to the supermarket :-(

7. Have you found anyone exciting in your family tree?
A formidable lady called Anne Halfacre my great great grandmother

8. Slap up meal in a posh restaurant or fish and chips from the wrapper?
Posh restaurant

9. Which element do you most resonate with, Earth, Air, Fire or water?
Water with a strong affinity for earth.

10. Do you believe in fairies?

Thats tricky. I can believe in nature spirits - which may just have wings.......

Good questions!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Your new life starts here

Well thats how it feels. Today is the day of the Natural Health Fair where I have a table and will be promoting my reiki services. Tomorrow I am back to work full time for the foreseeable future. No more lie ins. Lots of driving - certainly next week when I will be doing 60 miles a day . Finding time to fit in my OU, exercise ,meditation, and so on will be challenging. I can't even have a real rest next weekend because its the Race for Life.

I am very nervous about the health fair, whether I will get any bookings. I am concerned about how I am going to cope with full time work. I have got rather used to a sedate pace.

But I feel excited and challenged - and that must be a good sign. Things have been stagnant for so long.

When I had my massage Steve thought I had lost weight - in fact he was definite I had lost . He does seem to have a good memory for how my body feels when he massages it. I am not stepping on the scales however. I will not be bullied by a number. I much prefer to be bullied by a wii balance board that keeps very accurate account of how often I use it. I will do some aerobics before I go to the fair. My back sadly isn't yet up to a longer expedition to the park. It should have settled down by Tuesday and then I will be able to go jogging before I go to Leamington. Things will be MUCH easier when I am only going to Solihul - only 10 miles away - but the race will then be over. Will I have the same impetus to keep jogging? It is still going to be a health priority. Maybe I need to find other short races I can do to keep some momentum going.

Food is going OK on the whole. I am eating slower. Probably not slowly enough but things are moving in the right direction. And when I am back at work I know my food intake will go down and my exercise levels will go up. I will be on my feet at least 3 hours a day and probably a bit more.

So although I am sitting here thinking I really could have done with a lie in today as it is the last one I will get for nearly a week, on the whole I am happy with how I see things developing.

I must start to give my OU top priority. My final assessment needs to be done and posted by the 9th of July. That will be my lunchtime occupation when I am back at work.

As new lives go this one has quite a bit going for it. Things could be a LOT worse. But the important thing is I am in control. If Solihul really doesn't suit me I can leave.Nothing is written in stone. There is still a lot of flexibility.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Why am I more motivated now?

I am more motivated now. I know that because yesterday was a much better food day. I ate slowly and it does make a huge difference. I also achieved more generally. I got some much needed housework done and have the intention of doing some more today. In fact this morning as I was coming downstairs to feed the cats I found myself thinking that all I need to do is spend half an hour a day on specific area in the house that bothers me. After all its 30 extra minutes exercise if I do that.

So something has clicked in my mind - and I don't have a clue what.

Yesterday food went quite well. I did snack a bit during the game - but it was cereal bars. I did have some biscuits but a lot fewer than has been normal recently.

My official exercise went well too and included 20 minutes of jogging.

And almost as if to give me a pat on the back for being so motivated I also got some bookings for work. An extra day from the hospital in Sutton Coldfield and a massive surprise for next week is a full weeks work via the agency at a different private hospital - at a very satisfactory rate of pay.

A few weeks ago I had a tarot reading at a psychic fair. One of things she told me was that I will never be fabulously rich - but the money will keep coming in and will be there when I need it. This does feel like confirmation of that prediction.

My vision for my future was always a couple of days of week in a community pharmacy and some reiki work. I am now beginning to see a different future with occasional relief work in hospital supplementing my pension.

I am sure reiki will be there in my future - but I may need to rethink how I intend to offer it.

This isn't a case of feeling more motivated because things are going better. I was feeling better BEFORE I got the emails about the extra work. Things are going better because I am more motivated.

Does it matter that I don't know what as flipped the switch in my mind? I dont think it does.

Monday, 14 June 2010


This is probably the hardest thing to do. Its certainly what I have been having problems with recently. But today for some reason I feel motivated to get on top of my food issues. I hope it lasts. No lets re-phrase that. I hope I can keep the motivation going.

But I am not sitting here thinking 'right that's it 1000 calories a day and no more biscuits' I am sitting here thinking. 'Right that's it I am going to listen to my body and I am going to eat SSSLLLLOOOOWWWWLLLLYYYY'

That is were I have been falling so badly to stick to Paul's rules.

One of the things that has been a recurring theme for me recently is that good health is more about a good diet and exercise than it is about weight loss. So the scales don't come into it. I don't have to cave in to the wii fits demands that I do a body test.My recent poor food control have been making me feel bad on the inside. I want to feel good on the inside. I actually don't need to know what I weigh to feel good.

Is it a coincidence that this new motivation has appeared when I feel I am making progress spiritually and psychically? No of course not.

Part of it is also that I am adjusting to my new life routine and am re-gaining my feeling of self worth.

I know from reading other blog posts that everyone on this kind of health journey goes through the sort of doldrums I have been through. Its nice knowing I am not alone - and will have the support of people who can say "been there done that got the T shirt . I got through it and so can you'

You all did it and so can I!!!!!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Change is horrible

At least this sort of change is. It feels horribly as if this could be how life is for the foreseeable future, and I can't see anyway to wrench back control and get my life how I want it.

I have big plans - a reiki business a couple of days a week plus some work as a community locum ,losing 3 stone in weight. And at the moment I am getting NOWHERE with ANYTHING.

It s so difficult to motivate yourself to do things when you have no real reason. About the only thing that is going well at the moment is exercise. I have done 30 minutes today. 10 minutes step plus, and island lap and 10 minutes free step. Jogging is now very regularly on my schedule - and I am really pleased. I can look at what I am doing with exercise and see success and improvement. But I can't help wondering what I will be like when I have done the Race for Life and have nothing to train for?

Yesterday my FB status was 'I am visualising success' I am indeed doing just that but I have realised I am visualising in a dissociated way rather than really getting inside the picture. At least that is something I can work on.

I never envisaged the sort of life I have now. But this is where all my plans seem to have put me. I just hope I can start making some sense of it soon and then maybe I can get moving again.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Juggling life

Today is the last day of my first stint at Little Aston. It has been an interesting week and I really REALLY know I have done all the driving.

I have managed to do some exercise every day and yesterday was a triumph as I managed some significant jogging. Food has been OK on the whole.

But generally my feeling is I am stagnating. Not losing weight, not making significant progress with work.

But this morning as I opted for a gentle walk on a short route rather than a longer route with some jogging I realised this is one area where I can see tangible progress. The first time I decided to use the park for exercise I did a really short route. I don't think I went round the lake at all. And it was a herculean effort. This morning I did a gentle walk that included a circuit of the lake for relaxation!!!

I have had problems fitting everything in round a full days work . I have been out of the house from 8 until 6. I have exercised, done my cards, and basic spiritual exercises. But I haven't done any real meditation at all.

Bt next week I am back to being one of the unemployed so I will have plenty of time then to catch up.