Saturday 4 December 2010


Last week I was on a course doing the first of four modules that will enable me to work as a hypnotherapist. I was worried when I first signed up for it that a week of study would turn my brain to mush so I didnt book the other 3 modules . I wanted to guage how much time to leave between each one. What happened was I felt so inspired and so enjoyed it that I have booked up to do the last three at the earliest opportunity . It wasn't study - it was a week of thinking 'Thats what Paul McKenna did/said' or 'Now I understand why Paul did/said that sort of thing' The other students I worked with all complimented me on my voice and delivery when I was taking them into hypnosis. When I have the full qualification I will be working with people to help them and using my counseling skills, my intuition, and my spirituality. What more could I want?

As if to affirm that I am on the right track, the universe has just given me the perfect locum booking starting in the new year. 22 hours a week, on a schedule that doesn't interfere with my voluntary reiki work at the hospice, at the Woodlands - so I can walk to work. And it is ongoing until they fill a vacancy (I presume the one left by Emma leaving) If I could have ordered the perfect locum I couldn't have done better!! It will be for at least 3 months - because whoever they appoint will probably have to give 3 months notice.

So I am on a high. Simultaneously I am also coping with some 'issues' Inevitably when training in a therapy to help people deal with their issues, you end up during the training exploring any issues you have. Nick (the trainer) did a session with a real patient -who happened to want help with a weight issue. That got me thinking and I did in fact ask Nick if he could suggest some help for me out of what I now believe is my stumbling block. I cannot 'see' myself thin. As a child Mum was always telling me I was fat so I don't have an image of myself as thin when I was young. And the only recent photo I have of myself at a reasonable weight was taken when Steve was a toddler. Alan is in the photo too and I know how unhappy I was then so I don't WANT to step into that person. Shortly after I had that conversation with Nick we did an exercise to meet our inner child - and I was very surprised by who I met. I was teenager, wearing an outfit I remember quite well (because there was a photo of me wearing it) but I saw myself as thin. This gives me hope that I may be on the verge of a breakthrough. If I can see past Mum's vision of me (probably fueled by own poor image of herself) I may just start to get somewhere. The interesting thing is the day AFTER that, I felt motivated to go swimming before the course started. And I am seriously considering going swimming again today.

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