Tuesday 7 December 2010

Health issues

A few weeks ago I noticed a lump in my neck. Following blood tests that were all normal I was sent for an ultrasound. Yesterday I had the ultrasound. Luckily for me instead of being done a radiographer , when the results would have to be seen on and reported by a radiologist, yesterdays clinic was being run not only by a radiologist - but a radiologist who knew me through my time at QE. So I got the result then and there instead of having to wait for my GP to tell me.

I have nodules on my thyroid. Apparently about 50% of the population do. But the lump I spotted is caused by a large nodule. Because of its size I have to have a needle aspiration biopsy 'to look at some of the cells' My guess is that depending on what they find I may be facing at least a partial thyroidectomy.

Could it be cancer? I guess it can't be ruled out -although Julie Olliffe was very direct to re-assure me it wasn't anything 'dire' (my word) when I tired to get a little more information out of her. Pre-cancerous cells is a possibility I guess.

I am not going to sit here and say I am totally unconcerned about this. But I am not panicking and not totally stressed out about it. I hope I get a quick referral. If I am right and this is all about catching problems early I shouldn't have to wait too long.

If I am facing surgery I need to be in the best possible health physically , mentally, and spiritually so have no excuse for not still sticking to me food and exercise priorities.

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