Saturday 2 June 2012

Living brilliantly

Well today is day 5 and I don't think i have slipped too badly.

I resolved my dilemma with the lady I mentioned in the previous post. After talking to her CPN I know more about her and her problems, AND that she is now back on medication. This lady originally wanted aromatherapy and I did find myself discussing with Jean how that would be a safer option. At the same time I also found myself thinking -' and that means someone else will deal with her' This was a FAR from brilliant response. So having spoken to the CPN we agreed that hypnotherapy wasn't suitable - especially as the problem she wanted me to deal with is part of her psychosis. However it was agreed reiki would be relaxing and safe. So next week I am giving her reiki.

Its amazing how much you become aware of when you consciously think 'is this being brilliant' I have deleted any number of posts intend for Locumvoice.

And almost as if I am being rewarded, I have a new reiki patient BOOKED, and another one in the offing. I am also giving the salon owner another HOME treatment on Tuesday. PLus I am helping her set up a website for the salon.
Plus I spotted on FB that Colin Fry is planning a large psychic weekend in the midlands next March. Seeing someone had asked 'do you need any crystal sellers' I popped up with 'Do you need any readers' and got told 'yes' so we may be part of a BIG psychic fair next year.

Tony had an amazing night last night. 7 calls in three and half hours - and one of them was over 30 minutes long. So HE is on a roll too.

Its amazing how this positivity just becomes infectious.

But I do wonder if I am challenging myself enough . I wonder if I have correctly identified what makes me 'brilliant' It is almost too easy.

I haven't had any meltdowns when I felt as if the world was against me.
I haven't dodged or delayed tasks I was worried about
I have done some work on my portfolio.

The one downside is TC our 17 year old cat. He has a sore on his leg that won't heal and keeps bleeding. I am wondering if we need to take action. The problem is their is no brilliant response to this - just pain whether we wait and see or decide that 17 years is a good life for a cat. Am I being un- brilliant in not being more decisive? No because it isn't just my decision to take. I made it clear to Tony what my concerns were. I need to talk to Steve as TC is technically his cat. But I am not anxious to tackle the issue with him I admit

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